Saturday, November 1, 2008

White Coat Ceremony

Nicholas had his White coat ceremony in late September. His parents came up for it which was very nice to see them again and for them to see the things Nicholas is doing in his school. A few professors and the president of his school spoke and then they had each student come up and they presented their first white coat to them. It felt a lot like graduation except it is the beginning, and not the end. He also was given an otoscope and stethoscope and some more books. His whole school seems to be very supportive and excited for all of the students. I am so proud of Nicholas, he continually amazes me everyday. He manages his time so well and even though we wish we could be with him all day long we are grateful for the time we get and we sure make it worth it. He never does anything without a smile and works so hard on everything he does..I am grateful that we all get to go threw this experience together.


Damien and Ashley said...

We are so proud of Nitch! His school sounds like they are good with the whole family thing! That is so good! We wish Nitch the best of luck!

Emily said...

Nich looks awesome in his white coat. Keep up the good work!