Thursday, July 17, 2008

A day at the Dentist

Yesterday we all had appointments to go to the Dentist. We wanted to get it done before we move. This was the second time Kate had gone and she did so great, I swear as she is getting older she gets more brave!!! She was cavity free and couldn't believe that she got a princess toothbrush even. Nicholas and I however were not as excited as Kate but are glad we won't have to go back, well at least me:), sorry Hun there is like getting cavities filled, not fun.


Damien and Ashley said...

Kate looks so grown up in that big chair! My boys love looking at your blog and thought it was cool she got to go to the dentist! They actually love the dentist and Carter says he wishes he could go today! How strange, but I guess nice for me!

Jess said...

We are proud of all of you. We love the dentist! Good job keep brushing (that is what Brad would have me say :)