Friday, October 26, 2007

My Two look Alikes

I love it when I can get a good picture of both my girls, it sometimes can be quit challenging. So I thought I would share some of my favorite ones. It is funny because sometimes I think Kate and Savannah look so much alike and other times I think they are complete opposites. They sure have had very different personalities so far. It makes it so fun to see them get bigger and change, I love that they will have each other. Our cute little girls.


Jonathan & Rachel said...

What fun sister pictures!!! I love all the matching outfits for sure! I agree that sometimes they really do look a lot alike and other times-not so much. They are so sweet I just want to hold and kiss that little Savannah!

Emily said...

These are so cute. You are right. I thought they looked quite different, but sitting side by side you can definitely see the similarities. What adorable girls.