Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Kate loves gymnastics, every morning she wakes up and asks if we are going to "nastics." She especially loves it when she gets to do the bungee jumper. She tends to be really quite in gymnastics which isn't like her. But today she was laughing and smiling so much when she got to do the bungee jumper. When it is time to touch the floor and then jump as high as you can Kate will yell "blastoff," it is hilarious. She is such a good listener and always sits on her carpet quietly until her teacher Fred tells the class what to do next. What a good little student!!!


Jonathan & Rachel said...

She is so stinkin cute!! I couldn't get the video to work (sometimes it does that), but I'll check back! I'm sure "FRED" loves having her in class! How fun!

Jonathan & Rachel said...

OK, got it to work. She is so funny. I'm sorry but Mr. Fred doesn't seem like the "typical" gymnastics teacher??? She is so sweet.

Emily said...

That looks so fun! Ava loved watching "Katie" - I kept telling her that her name was just Kate but she kept shaking her head & saying "No - I want it Katie." She also wants to be in gymnastics now too. :)