Thursday, October 2, 2008

Camera Problems!!!

So our Camera has seen better days it is hanging on by duck tape. We have been planning to buy a new one a couple of months ago so in the mess of moving I thought I would just throw away the box which had all the cord in it because I was so sick of storing stuff. Well we have not yet bought a new camera and I sure wish I would thought that threw a little more. We have a ton of pictures of our girls but I can get them on my computer so hopefully I will get our pictures printed off soon and get a new camera so I can share them..So bear with us, I will soon be a better blogger.


Blake and Lacy said...

Hey guys! How are you doing? Thanks to Ashley, I found your blog! Anyways, hope all is well in Washington!

Jake and Megan said...

We also have been having camera problems. Our camera accidently go dropped & doesn't work. If you need a cord we still of ours! We can't wait to see you guys when you come home! We will have too have lots of partys(Mallory said this!)

Tyler said...

Ditto, camera problems for us too. We found you! We're close by here in Moscow. Maybe we could meet up sometime at the Temple in Spokane...

check us out at

Fairytale Foto's by Melanie said...

Hey guys! Thanks to everyone else, we found you too! =) Your kids are so darling! It sounds like things are great in your new home. We'll be checking to see if you get more pics up when your camera is fixed =) Hope all is wel!!!!

Nate, Meggan & Ledger said...

ash we got a blog finally!!! so did everyone else, so now you guys wont have to miss a thing, ha ha. so susan said you guys are coming up, if you havn't got your hair done yet and need it done, let me know i have time! can't wait to see you guys.