Monday, March 24, 2008

Coloring Eggs!!!

We had a lot of fun coloring eggs this year. We couldn't believe how much fun Kate had. Her age is so fun for stuff like this. Anything out of the ordinary she is just so excited and giggly. It is very cute to see her learn nand experience new things. I don't know who liked coloring the eggs more out of Nicholas and Kate, it was pretty funny to watch them.

For some reason coloring eggs makes them much for appetizing because Kate couldn't hardly wait to eat the eggs, infact she didn't. This was the first egg colored and the first eaten. Kate loved being able to peel them all by herself.

Vanny too loved eating the egg yokes but then again she likes everything we give her. She is a funny babe.

Final product!!!

1 comment:

Jake and Megan said...

Looks so fun! Kate is so funny how she giggles! Grandma, Amber and Ashley helped my kids color eggs---they loved it. I think Amber had more fun then the kids! Amber is really good at coloring the eggs.