Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Kate's First Snowman

Kate and her Dad decided to make their first of many snowmen together a couple of weeks ago. It snowed just enough for the perfect snowman. We thought we had racked all of our leaves up but our snowman proved us wrong, oops :) We improvised and used rolos candies as the eyes and celery for the arms. They fell out pretty fast and it didn't take long for Kate to figure out that she could eat the snowman's arms and eyes. It was pretty funny. They had so much fun.

Nicholas had quite the workout rolling the balls. Kate thought it was hilarious and tried doing it herself.

Here is Kate ready to play in the snow. Nicholas got her all ready and dressed, what a cute little girl she is!!

1 comment:

Jonathan & Rachel said...

So fun! She looks like she had a blast!!