Saturday, October 18, 2008

First round of picking Apples

A guy that works at Nicholas' school has lots of different fruit trees and he let the students come and pick apples for FREE!!! So we were very excited to pick yummy gala apples to use for canning. We brought a cooler and thought it would take us awhile to fill up, but that was not the case it was fast picking and it only took about 5 minutes. It was so fun and it was nice because the apples were low on the trees so the girls could pick them right off by themselves. Something I thought was very interesting is most of the apples that we buy in the stores are grown in nitrogen rooms where they take all of the oxygen out and preserve theses apples with different chemicals so they will last into the winter. (I have always wondered how we have fruit year round in the stores). I don't know about anyone else but I do not like eating things with chemicals and they sure do not taste as good or are probably as good for you. So we were definitely excited to get some apples that were fresh off the trees and chemical free!!!

-Also I am sorry about the black border around the pictures it is our dang camera that I will be replacing in the next little while...

1 comment:

Damien and Ashley said...

They were such yummy apples!