Monday, June 30, 2008

The last of four

We had four babies born within about a month of eachother. Ledger King Baldwin was the last on them. When we were in Idaho we got to see him. Kate was very excited to hold him and the whole way to Nathan and Meggan's house she kept asking "what that babies name again" I would tell her Ledger and then she would say " Oh I want to hold that baby." She still talks about how much she loves him. He is a sweet little guy and we are so glad he is here. Congratulations Nathan and Meggan!!!


Jonathan & Rachel said...

Yes congrats!! We can't wait to meet that little guy!

Jake and Megan said...

Kate is so cute with Ledger! We are so glad he is finally here!

Jess said...

He is very cute- definitely a Baldwin. Everywhere you go you have babies. Tell Nate and Meggan congratulations!

Damien and Ashley said...

We love that little adorable is that pic of her holding him...

Nate, Meggan & Ledger said...

That is the cutest picture. you are so nice. we finally got a blog the address is we are really excited about it. we miss you guys and cant wait to see you during the holidays!!!