Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Miss show off

We got to watch Sydney (Nicholas' sister Jill's little girl) a couple of days and it was very entertaining to see these two little one year olds interacting together. They are only 5 weeks apart and this was really the first time they had been together at our house with both of them walking. Savannah was doing everything in her power to make anyone laugh. She kept pretending to fall down and then would sequel and yell until someone would laugh at her, she actually didn't even care if you laughed just as long as you were watching her. She then kept trying to get Sydney to follow her back to the Do-jo. She then proceeded to try to climb on top of Kate's bike. This was a new thing that was pretty interesting to watch. She pulled out every trick up her sleeve and I don't think Sydney was even paying attention, but Vanny had no idea. This made me think how fun it would be to have twins and how entertaining it would be to see two of the same little people interact, I can only hope and until then I will pretend anytime I get the chance.


The Karlinsey Family said...

twins are so much fun, but after we just had the flu for 6 I dont think I would wish for them:) your girls are so cute. dont you love the age when they are just walking, it is so much fun.

Damien and Ashley said...

It's going to be a lot of fun when McKenna, Sydney, Savannah, and Addison are all a little older! They will have a good time together as cousins! Hopefully they won't get into too much mischief, the four of them...

Jake and Megan said...

Savannah is so funny! It will be quite the show when we get all 4 of them together. They are all so funny! We were glad we got to see this last couple weeks. We love your family!

Dave n Bre plus thr3e! :o) said...

So funny! That is so fun when they have cousins so close! She is so dang cute!!

Jess said...

i think that savannah is going to be the class clown. i know that she loved making everyone laugh here, she is good at it. we are constantly talking about how funny she is.