Monday, January 21, 2008

A Morning Ritual

Nicholas has always been known as the hot chocolate lover in our home but I now think that title can easily be given to Kate. They both think because it is cold outside that they need to eat toast and drink hot chocolate in the mornings. Almost every moring I see the both of them sitting in their chairs doing just as the pictures show. Anytime Kate gets cold she says I need some hot chocolate. It is pretty funny. Kate wanted me to take a picture of her drinking and she kept laughing and then would ask if she could see the picture. These two make a good pair!!


Jake and Megan said...

Yummy! Kate is so cute! We had fun seeing her this last weekend.

Jonathan & Rachel said...

So cute!! That girl is so funny!!

The Sullengers said...

I love hot chocolate too - rarely a morning goes by that I don't drink it - but usually I wait till I get to work - I was just happy we were able to go home at Christmas to get some Stephens Mint